866 668 7415
4310 Cameron St, #15 Las Vegas
Business Hours
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

Adhesive Window Perf

Adhesive Window Perf is a white perforated film which has a black adhesive backing and is great for both indoor or outdoor use. It is waterproof and UV safe which will last you for years . It has perforated 50% printable area and 50% open area. It has graphics on one side and a clear view from the other side. Window Perf is perfect for advertising on your personal car or truck and storefront windows.


Maximum Size: 52″ High X 159′ Wide

Resolution: High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720.

Material Options:

  • 50/50 Perforated Adhesive

When you are preparing your artwork please make sure

  1. The size of the artwork is right
  2. It includes bleed.
  3. It is designed in CMYK mode.
  4. It has 150 dpi resolution at least.
  5. It is in right format:  EPS, AI, PSD, and PDF

For more information regarding resolution and the instruction to set up the print ready file you can visit our “Preparing Files” page.

If you still have questions you can contact us via email at: or call us during business hours.

If you need any help with design please visit our design page, fill out the design request form and upload your images you wish to put on your window sign. We will review your files and instruction and contact you with question.

You can also email us your instruction and information you wish to have on your perforated window sign and we will contact you within 24 hours.